Some of the symptoms experienced in delirium are similar to those of dementia. This makes it harder for doctors to diagnose delirium.
Therefore, it is important for family members to provide necessary information to doctors to help with the diagnosis. There are three types of delirium.
They include:
Hyperactive delirium
It includes symptoms like restlessness, agitation, mood swings or hallucinations. This is the most easily tpe that is recognized.
Hypoactive delirium
This usually includes inactivity or reduced motor activity , sluggishness, abnormal drowsiness or seemimg to be in a daze.
Mixed delirium
Which includes the symptoms of both hypactive and hypoactive delirium. People with this type of delirium usually switch back and forth from the hypoactive and hypaeractive states.
Doctors usually diagnose delirium based on a medical history of the patient, performing tests to evaluate mental status and identifying the possible causative factors.
Tests used include:
A mental status examination
In this test doctors assess a patient's awareness, attention or thinking. This is usually done through a conversation or screening teszts that assess mental state, confusion, perception and memory.
Physical and neurological exams
In which the doctor performs a physical exam to check for health problems or an uderlying illness and neurological exam to assess
This helps determine if any neurological disease is causing dilirium.
Other tests
Include blood and urine tests and brain imaging tests. Brain imaging tests are used when the available information is not enough for a diagnosis of delirium to be made.
The treatment of delirium is targetted towards the underlying cause. Treatments aim at creating an environment for healing and calming the brain.
Treatments available include:
Supportive care
This treatment aims at preventing complications. This can be achieved by:
protecting the airway,
providing fluids and nutrition,
treating pain,
assisting movement,
avoiding use of physical restraints or bladder tubes,
avoiding changes in the surroundings
caregivers and encouraging family members to get involved.
Medications can be used to decrease pain in and to calm a patient. The drugs that are used are the dose is reduced or discontinued if delirium resolves.
6 Prevention
Avoiding factors that increase the risks of having delirium can be the most effective approach to preventing this disorder.
Promoting good sleeping petterns, helping the person remain calm and helping prevent other medical problems or complications of delirium can be helpful in reducing th severity of delirium.
7 Lifestyle and Coping
Lifestyle modifications are necessary in order to cope with delirium.
The following steps can help improve the general health condition of a person with delirium:
Promoting good sleeping habits
Promoting calmness and good orientation.
This can be achieved by avoiding arguments and monitoring the noise levels of the environment.
Preventing complications of delirium by giving proper medication on a regular schedule, increasing physical activity of the patient and providing a healthy diet with plenty of fluids.
8 Risk and Complications
Conditions that increase the risk of delirium include:
Some of the possible complications of delirium include:
Overall decline in memory and thinking skills
General decline in health
Poor recovery from surgery
Increased risk of death.
People with other medical conditions especially chronic diseases have a higher risk of developing complications while those in a better state of health can recover fully.
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