Brand name:
AbobotulinumtoxinA is a botulinum toxin A product which relaxes the muscles by working on the central nervous system. It is used for the treatment of abnormal head position, neck pain due to spasm of the muscles of neck and upper limb spasm in adults.
It also has some cosmetic applications and is used to improve deep facial lines between eyebrows and on other parts of face. It is a prescription drug and can only be administered by a specialist. It is available in the form of powder to make solution.
Before beginning any therapy or drug, the benefits of the treatment should be compared by the negative effects it is going to have on the body. For this purpose, detailed conversation with doctor and patient is necessary to have good understanding of the drug, its effects and how to use it.
- Detailed history of a patient is extremely important prior to any medical therapy and in this case it is preferred that a drug be started after it. Allergies or any history of allergy to any drug, food, preservatives, dyes or animal products; history of drug usage, past medical or surgical procedure should also be kept in record to predict any drug interaction.
- Physical examination should be done before starting this drug so that any physiological or pathological condition by which this drug may interfere may be ruled out.
- Age specific assessment is necessary to maintain a safety profile. There is lack of enough evidence by studies to rule out specific side effects in children and elderly. However, its use in children for cosmetic purposes is not recommended. It is likely to cause some eye problems in elderly; hence it should be used with more caution in this age group. There are also inadequate studies to rule out its effects and harms in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
- Drug interactions may occur with other medications taken along this toxin product. It is a duty of the doctor to inform all the possible effects of using additional drugs. The patient should not use any new drug before consulting the physician. Alcohol, tobacco and certain foods may also cause interactions harmful for the body.
- Other medical conditions may also interfere with the drug and lead to increase in side effects. These conditions include Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dermatochalasis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, motor neuropathy, Myasthenia gravis, oily or fatty skin, surgery on the face, breathing problems, trouble swallowing, droopy eyelid and cow's milk protein allergy.
Precautions are the tips to enhance the working of any therapy and to reduce its side effects.
There are several precautions to be observed while on therapy with this toxin product:
- Regular visits to the doctor should be made to check if the drug is working properly or not.
- Muscle reactions and muscle spasms may occur on the first day after injection. Consult your doctor as soon as possible in this case.
- Avoid driving, using machines or doing anything weakness while on this drug, as it may lead to muscle weakness and vision problems.
- Human blood derived protein is used as a part of this drug. Consult your doctor if you have any concern about allergies or viral infections.
- Do not start any other drug, prescription or non-prescription, without consulting your doctor.
- Consult the doctor if any serious problem is suspected.
- Storage of drug should in a dry environment with room temperature.
AbobotulinumtoxinA is associated with many side effects, like any other drug. It is important for the patient to have detailed information about these problems and refer to him/her if any effect is observed.
More common side effects include difficulty swallowing, hoarseness and difficulty in speaking, muscle or bone pain, muscle weakness, sore throat and voice changes. Less common effects include blistering, burning, crusting, dryness, or flaking of the skin body; body aches, chills, cough with or without mucus, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, ear congestion, fever, general feeling of illness, headache; itching, scaling, severe redness, soreness, or swelling of the skin, joint pain, loss of appetite loss of voice, muscle aches, nausea, shivering, sneezing, stiff muscles, stuffy or runny nose, sweating, chest tightness, trouble sleeping, unusual tiredness, vomiting, tingling sensations, redness of the skin and partial paralysis of the face.