These 20 Psychologists Weigh In on Gender Identity
"Think about it: Would you want to be forced to look, dress, and behave like the gender you fundamentally are not? "
Dr. Deborah Davis is a developmental psychologist who specializes in helping parents through personal crises with their children, such as prenatal loss or a child’s death after birth. She has weighed in on the gender fluidity issue, and from her medical experience, people who are transgender have no more say in the matter than cis individuals. Dr. Davis has observed that transgender people know the state of their condition as far back as early childhood. As such, their need to be another gender should not be waved off as a hormonal imbalance or, worse yet, a mere fad. Dr. Davis’ point is that transgenderism is real and should be taken seriously.
"Think about it: Would you want to be forced to look, dress, and behave like the gender you fundamentally are not? Try it for a day and see how far you get. You might not even be able to get out of bed, or your pajamas." Deborah L. David Ph.D.