Being chased: A manifestation of feeling under pressure

Dreaming about being chased typically means you’ve been feeling in danger or under pressure. Dreams about being chased are among the most commonly reported dreams. The acute sense of terror we feel during these dreams makes them seem disturbingly vivid and real, which makes us more likely to remember them when we wake up. Individuals who experience dreams about being chased often wake up in a state of anxiety, possibly experiencing symptoms like sweating, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and other signs of nervousness or agitation.

These dreams can be incredibly distressing, both during the dream and after waking up. If you’ve been having dreams about being chased, it’s a good idea to consider what has been stressing you out lately and what you can do to reduce your stress levels. Your dreams are likely a manifestation of the fear and anxiety that you’ve been feeling in your everyday life. Finding ways to cope with these negative emotions might help you avoid these unsettling dreams in the future.

Dreaming of a cheating partner: You may have trust issues in your relationship

Dreams about being cheated on by your significant other can be an expression of your subconscious fears and anxieties. Having a dream in which your partner cheats on you might be a sign that you’ve been struggling with trust issues in your relationship. Perhaps you’ve experienced prior issues with infidelity in this relationship or a past relationship, and this trauma has caused you to feel fearful and distrustful in your current situation as well. Maybe you’ve never been cheated on, but you’re feeling insecure in your current relationship and worry about how your partner really feels.

If you or your partner have been having doubts about your relationship, then dreams about being cheated on might be a reflection of your fear that your partner might not be as interested in you as they once were. Even if your relationship is strong, you might have dreams about being cheated on if you’ve been feeling self-conscious and lack confidence in yourself.

Showing up late: You may be feeling overwhelmed with your daily responsibilities

Dreaming about being late to something, like work or school, could indicate anxiety over your fear of being late or failing to accomplish your daily tasks. If you’re someone who struggles with being on time and often shows up more-than-fashionably late, then these dreams could be an expression of the guilt and self-consciousness you feel as a result of your perpetual tardiness.

If you’re someone who never fails to arrive early or on time, you might still experience anxiety over being late if the prospect tends to cause you undue, or even irrational feelings of stress and nervousness. Perhaps you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and worry that you won’t have enough time to accomplish everything you need to get done. Your dreams about showing up late to work or school might be a sign you bit off more than you can chew, and you might want to consider reworking your schedule to make your daily responsibilities more manageable and less stressful.

Flying: A symbol of happiness and confidence

Dreaming about flying means you’ve been feeling happy, uplifted, and motivated lately. Dreams about flying can be a symbol for literally feeling as though you’re on top of the world. Maybe you’ve recently fallen in love and the excitement of a budding romance makes you feel as if you’re floating on a cloud. Perhaps a recent accomplishment at work or school has made you feel as though you’ve literally reached new heights.

Ascending to greater heights is a symbol for reaching your goals, and the confidence and pride you feel as a result of your achievements can influence your mood in your dreams as well as in your waking life. You might have a dream about flying after achieving a goal like getting a promotion or reaching your goal weight. Believing in yourself can make you feel like anything is possible, and this confidence can even lead to fantastical flights of fancy in your dreams.