Jon Hamm - Chronic Depression After Father's Death

Jon Hamm, the suave protagonist of the show Mad Men, has long battled clinical depression since his father's passing when he was 20. The actor admitted that he was floored by the death of his father, and his depression grew and grew until he eventually quit getting out of bed altogether. Like many with chronic depression, his lows only got lower and his thoughts would often spiral out of control.

Hamm says he got through his chronic depression by going to therapy sessions and through medications. He explains that the medications corrected his brain chemistry to lessen the effects of his depression, and his therapy sessions allowed him to learn methods of controlling his spirals and condition. Hamm hopes that others struggling with clinical depression will seek help and medication (if deemed necessary) as it says his life has completely changed after seeking them himself.

Photo credit: Jon Hamm by Angela Natividad

Winona Ryder - Anxiety Attacks Since 12 Years Old

After battling depression herself, Winona is an outspoken advocate for women with mental illness

Photo credit: Winona Ryder, FRANKENWEENIE red carpet, Fantastic Fest by Anna Hanks

Sarah Silverman - Depression

Similar to many other successful comedians, Sarah suffers from anxiety and depression. Sarah spoke with Glamour about panic attacks and depression, and about how both of them are so widely misunderstood.

Photo credit: Sarah Silverman by Gage Skidmore

Herschel Walker - Dissociative Identity Disorder

Herschel Walker is mainly known for being a Heisman-winning football star and Olympian, but he also is one of the few celebrities to be formerly diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. DID is a less common disorder that involves patients taking on multiple personalities, and is not as commonly talked about due to its rarity.

The first thing Walker did was debunk the typical thoughts about DID that people get from movies. Often times people with DID are portrayed as thinking that they are multiple different people with multiple personalities. In reality, DID is when aspects of a personality don't work together to form one personality, and one personality trait ends up overriding the rest. Walker says he had almost a dozen different alters (when his personality changed) and many of them he didn’t even remember. The most devastating part of the illness was some of his extreme and violent behavior, which as a result collapsed his marriage. Walker wanted to share his story to inspire others with DID to seek professional help.

Photo credit: Herschel Walker visit with USAFA Class of 2016 Basic Cadet Training [Image 4 of 17] by DVIDSHUB