
Target Creates Clothing Tailored to Kids with Autism

Caroline's Carts

Other accommodations include what they call “Caroline’s Carts,” which are shopping carts invented by Drew Ann Long, from Alabama. Her daughter, Caroline, has Rett Syndrome. That disorder confines Caroline to the wheelchair.

Drew Ann got used to putting her daughter in a shopping cart when she was young, but Caroline eventually grew too large to fit in a shopping cart seat. Drew Ann still needed to shop alongside her daughter, but maneuvering a shopping cart and a wheelchair at the same time was quite awkward.

So she came up with a shopping cart with a much larger seat. This makes it much easier for caregivers to shop with not just small children but with teenagers and even adults.

Target is the largest retailer that uses Caroline’s Carts, a partnership which came about after a Target employee used the cart with her child at another store.