Third Trimester

New Study Links Preterm Birth With Sleep Disorders

New Study Links Preterm Birth with Sleep Disorders
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New Study Links Preterm Birth With Sleep Disorders

Researchers have found a link between sleep disorders and preterm births. Getting a good amount of restful sleep is one of the best pieces of advice in the healthcare world. This is especially true of women who are expecting or who may become pregnant. Pregnant women already face numerous sleep disorders, along with the struggles that come with being an expectant mother. A growing concern is preterm births among women who are dealing with multiple sleep issues. In fact, 12% of births in the United States alone are premature. This applies to babies who are less than 37 weeks as of the gestation time period. Women who have fewer sleep disruptions overall were observed to deliver babies within a more normal time frame. Preterm infants are in need of more support for a better night's sleep, which can sometimes include not overstimulating them as much or as often. 

Children born preterm are said to be at a higher risk of sleep apnea and continuous movement while they sleep. Decreased sleep and breathing troubles can lead to a reduced emotional state as well as an increase in negative thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy is known to assist in obtaining better sleep for preterm infants, which can give parents a peaceful night as well.

There are a number of women who suffer from sleep-related disorders during their pregnancies, but are not aware of it. Screening for sleep disorders during pregnancy can offer a better diagnosis as well as treatment options. Studies have also shown that with proper treatment and management, the sleep disorder that may have caused preterm birth can be reversed.

If the pregnancy becomes difficult due to a sleep disorder, women are encouraged to seek professional advice. There are multiple forms of insomnia, so it is important to find out what is causing the sleepless nights. There are various safe as well as effective treatments for pregnant women facing sleep disorders. Treatment should start right away since it can greatly reduce the number of preterm infants suffering from a sleep disorder.

It is not always easy to find comfort and rest during the night. However, with more and more research showing a link between sleep disorders and preterm births, it is important to pinpoint the exact cause of these issues. There is no clear-cut route to prevent a preterm birth, but some studies have suggested getting enough sleep during the pregnancy may be a big step in the right direction.

Researchers continue to work to determine the wake up and erratic sleep patterns which could affect the stimulation response of preterm infants. Even if a preterm infant is not diagnosed with sleep issues, getting enough sleep is crucial for the child’s proper development as well as to help avoid any delays in growth.