Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions Delayed periods

My daughter is 14 years old and hasn't gotten her period. The doctor says it's normal but I'm worried.

My daughter is 14 years old and has yet to get her period, which to me is strange, because her friends already have gotten theirs and my period started when I was 12. According to the doctor, this is normal. But how normal is this? At what age does this become not normal?

5 Answers

Please take her to an endocrinologist. She should have a complete evaluation.
Most women will experience menarche at around 12 and half years. Some do it as early as 10 years and some as late as 15 years with some exceptions. As long as your daughter have normal growth and development and her sexual development is progressing normally it would be fine to watch her until the age of 15 years. After the age of 15 years she needs to have a proper evaluation to rule out medical and hormonal problems, though she could still be a late Bloomer. If she doesn't have any sexual development by age 13 years, then that will be a concern for evaluation. But is you see breast development, public hair and other signs of sexual development and the sexual development is progressing normally, only watchful waiting until age of 15 years is reasonable.
Good luck
Assuming she has developed into a young adult body, it could take until age 16 before an in depth evaluation would be needed.
I agree this is normal. However if she has not gotten her period by age 16, she should be evaluated
Usually, menses can start at age12 to 14, plus or minus 2.