“My daughter is 4 years old and is used to sucking her thumb. Will it cause her teeth to grow outwards?”
I know thumb sucking in children can cause unstructured teeth. My daughter is currently 4 years old and we are trying hard to get her off thumb sucking. Will her permanent teeth grow outwards in the future?
15 Answers
Unfortunately, yes. The most common side effects of prolonged thumb sucking are: narrow upper jaw due to cheeks applying pressure to a growing jaw, flared upper front teeth and pushed back lower front teeth, as well as a pretty big gap between front teeth due to a thumb or a finger applying g pressure to teeth while in the mouth.
Chronic thumb and/or finger sucking at any age will cause the upper teeth to come forward and will eventually change the shape of the face by pushing the lower teeth back and creating an open bite in the front. At the age of 4 you need to tell your child to stop sucking her thumb but not get upset with her .Rather gently reminder her to take her thumb out of her mouth. If this persist up to the age of 7 then she needs to have an appliance placed in her mouth to stop sucking her thumb.The good news is that as soon as the sucking stop the teeth will spontaneously go back at this age.
Hello, stopping a thumb habit is very important to improving dental alignment. Thumb habits can change tooth positions, jaw growth, tongue posture, and arch width. Stopping the habit sooner vs later is important and making sure it is stopped prior to growth of the adult teeth is critical. You can work with your dentist for ideas to stop the habit. Frequently rewards and positive reinforcement work well. Encouraging your daughter and helping remind her to stop the habit can help. If all else fails, many denstists frequently recommend a topical application of a reminding solution (Mavala or Stop Thumb). If that fails and the habit continues to adult teeth many doctors recommend habit appliances. Good luck working with your daughter and don’t forget to ask your dentist or pediatric dentist for more help and advice.
It's great that you are trying to encourage her stop. She likely won't be getting her front teeth for at least another year so you have some time. If she sucks really strongly and frequently she may be distorting the shape of her palate. The sooner she stops the better. Rest assured that an orthodontist can help her stop if she is still sucking as she approaches age 6 and that any damage already done is correctable.
Good news! Your daughter's permanent teeth probably won’t come in until 5-6 years old! The bad news is that even at 4 years old she can be putting orthopedic pressure on her jaws that could cause bad growth. I would suggest using positive rewards for her to stop or reduce this behavior.
Yes, prolonged thumb sucking can cause the upper teeth to protrude. It can also create an open bite where the front teeth don't touch among other things. Most children stop between the ages of 2 and 4. Positive reinforcement is usually the best way to help them stop. For example, instead of getting angry when they suck their thumb, praise them when they are not. Your dentist can encourage your child to stop and give some tips like putting a band-aid on the thumb as a reminder. As a child gets older and they continue, consult with an orthodontist as a habit appliance may be needed.
It's very likely, but not 100%. Depends on the severity of the habit. I would try using some Mavala nail polish to see if it helps with the habit (over-the-counter and/or on Amazon). Otherwise you'll want to plan on seeing your local orthodontist before Age 7 for an orthodontic screening and possible habit appliance therapy.
The biggest problem with thumb sucking is not the unsightly teeth, but the strong possibility that the bone which holds the teeth will be modified to the point that the skeletal structure is malformed. This frequently happens, and then the skeleton of the face which holds the teeth is distorted to the point that the teeth, being held by the skeleton, require extreme measures to be aligned. Additionally, frequently, the thumb habit will lead to a mouth breathing habit that will persist for years, if not for life, and create what is called open bite. An open bite can be fixed orthodontically, but most of the time will result after treatment with a relapse either partial, the most probable result, or fully.
So, bottom line, the thumb needs to be out of there asap.
So, bottom line, the thumb needs to be out of there asap.
Thank you for the question.
As long as the habit stops before the permanent teeth erupt, the permanent teeth should not come in flared. However, there are some skeletal (genetic) growth patterns that the front teeth erupt into the mouth more flared than ideal. My recommendation is to try to stop the habit before the adult teeth begin to erupt. Prior to that age, stopping a finger habit is very difficult based on patient maturity.
Michael J. Maslowski, DDS, MS
As long as the habit stops before the permanent teeth erupt, the permanent teeth should not come in flared. However, there are some skeletal (genetic) growth patterns that the front teeth erupt into the mouth more flared than ideal. My recommendation is to try to stop the habit before the adult teeth begin to erupt. Prior to that age, stopping a finger habit is very difficult based on patient maturity.
Michael J. Maslowski, DDS, MS
I would highly recommend seeing an orthodontist or a pediatric dentist. They have lots of ways (and appliances) that can encourage her to discontinue her habit.
Research shows that thumb sucking after the age of four or five can change the shape of a persons jaws in a way that can lead to improper positioning of the teeth. If you are worried their sucking may be hurting her teeth don't hesitate to ask your dentist or visit an orthodontist who can evaluate your daughter. Most orthodontists are happy to offer a complimentary evaluation free of charge. Thumb sucking isn't always a concern but it is more likely to cause a problem if a child sucks vigorously, as opposed to passively resting the thumb in his or her mouth. Aggressive thumb sucking can even cause problems in baby teeth. If you're concerned about the effect of thumb sucking on your daughter's teeth, check with an orthodontist or the dentist. For some childern, a chat with a doctor about why it's important to stop thumb sucking is more effective than a talk with mom or dad and if all else fails the orthodontist might recommend a special mouth guard or other dental appliance that interferes with sucking.
Yes, the habit may make the teeth protrude and the upper jaw too narrow. It depends on duration and frequency. Age four is the right age to begin treating the problem. She should have an initial examination by an orthodontist. There are a number of strategies to help her give up the habit.
Finger habits can cause teeth to grow in a more forward position, but more importantly it can negatively influence how the upper jaw grows and develops. If the habit continues into adolescence and adulthood, then the bones may be permanently affected depending on several factors (timing, duration of the habit, the amount of force applied, etc.). I would work with your primary care dentist or Pediatric Dentist to help your daughter begin reducing and eliminating the habit. Hope this helps....Dr.B.