“My mother is on over 5 medicines a day. Could this be slowing down her system?”
My mother has varied health issues and is currently on about 5 medicines a day. She has several concerns including sleeping during the day, lack of sleep at night, loss of appetite and constipation. Could these medicines be slowing down her system?
1 Answer
All medications have side effects which always must be weighed against the anticipated benefits. Sedation, appetite changes and constipation are common side effects of many medications, and may be exacerbated by misunderstanding of directions, interactions between medications and/or the underlying medical conditions for which medications are prescribed. The symptoms should be discussed with her PCP and all treating physicians, all of whom should be familiar with her complete medical history and medication list (including all over-the-counter medications and supplements) so that the problems can be addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
Michele Haber, MD
Michele Haber, MD