Neurologist Questions

About tics

Hello! I am Anna and I’ve been trying to figure out of something I’ve formally dealing with. I’ve sometimes been “ticing” I sometimes blink a lot uncontrollably neck jerk say things out loud randomly. Someone has told me it comes from stress I also have anxiety. I’m not sure if it’s coming from that?

Female | 14 years old
Conditions: Anxiety adhd

2 Answers

Hi Anna
That sounds like Tourette syndrome. This condition is often can be co-morbid with ADHD or Anxiety. Please discuss this with your psychiatrist.
Dr. Kogan
Hi Anna-
It sounds like you are describing tics, which may be representing Tourette’s syndrome. You should see a movement disorder neurologist. As patients get older the tics usually lessen. There are also medications that can help, and that would be a good option if the tics interfere with your quality of life. Tics oftentimes are associated with anxiety and ADHD, which you mention are not unfamiliar to you. Sometimes drugs for ADHD can make tics a bit worse. Again, go to a movement disorder doctor, and ask if this person is seeing a lot of tic patients.
best of luck!