Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Abscess treatment?

I have an abscess on my calf. I've never had one this bad. It's painful to walk. I soaked it in Epsom salt and it is still red and swollen is there a way to draw it out? Do you think I should go to urgent care?

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: ²
Medications: None
Conditions: N/a

3 Answers

You need antibiotics. An urgent care center may not be enough. See a wound care surgeon.
Yes, you should be seen by your family doctor. Urgent care is also an option. You may need hospitalization and/or for the treatment.
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Hello. Sorry to hear your having a problem. My first thought is why is a young healthy person getting an abscess? If you have diabetes, kidney issues, cancer or anything else that might cause this then definitely get to your doctor. The pictures you show also show some cellulitis in addition to open area. A trip to urgent care and antibiotics will assist in healing. Close observation and monitoring by your doctor should prevent this from getting worse. Good luck.