Acupuncturist Questions


I had acupuncture a couple of years ago.
I requested acupuncture to balance hormones as it was advertised on the window of the Chinese shop I visited in Oxford.
I was told I needed to take seven sessions of treatment. At the end of these sessions another Chinese lady who I was told was a doctor came in to tell me that now I needed to have other treatments to balance my hormones.
I asked what was I being treated for then for the past 7 sessions if that was not to balance my hormones. the answer was ''for WEIGHT LOSS''. I had never had weight problems before until those people decided I had.
The resultant effects of it was collapsed skeletal muscles. Whereas before I could run at least 200m without feeling tired or weary, now I cant run even for two seconds, I cant walk fast I get breathless, then I got diabetes because my body cant process anything without my muscles, aneamia, heart problems as blood is also not being efficiently pumped around my body anymore, I can't carry what I used to.
How can I rebuild my collapsed muscles system and re-strengthen my body. get back to the normal me. one of my knees where they were putting multiple needles is deformed and shapeless. can this be reversed?

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years

10 Answers

Hi, I think you should contact Mississippi Acupuncture Board, first to find their phone number then report this serious medical malpractice to them. They will tell you what you should do of that clinic. That clinic should pay you the fee of damage of your body! Never ask them to treat you again, they're not good doters! your damages can be recover or can't be it depends how serious they are!
I would need to do an exam and an intake to make an opinion
Usually 4 treatments per year of problem
I am so sorry this happened to you. I suggest you try a different practitioner who can help you get your health restored using the modalities of acupuncture, massage and herbs.
There are many types of people living in the world.
Always pray to find a good doctor.
It can be brought back to normal with acupuncture.
Sorry to hear that. You need for someone else to give you acupuncture treatments.

Hu Gi Acuherbs
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. But I really haven't heard that acupuncture can cause diabetes. Based on the symptoms you describe, it should be weight loss caused by severe diabetes.
Good afternoon,

1. Received, thank you.
2. Acupuncture treatment will not cause side effects and after effects as you mentioned.
3. I highly recommend that you contact your physician immediately to find out the real cause for your problem and take action accordingly.
4. If you shall have any questions, please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.

Hi. I'm Dr. Howard. It hurts my heart to see your article. Personally, I think your body is not good, so it is important to take herbal medicines to improve your physical condition. It is also recommended to receive treatment at a nearby acupuncture clinic. I will pray for your health. Thank you.
Hi, There seem to be many different things going on with you. Without actually talking to your acupuncturist and looking at the chart it is impossible to know exactly what is going on with you. I doubt the acupuncture treatments caused your current issues. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture) there are no diseases so sometimes patients are told something in western terms. Your symptoms of weight and muscle loss are typical of some forms of diabetes. Acupuncture cannot cause diabetes. It typically takes a minimum of 12 treatments to heal issues, depending on how long the patient has had the problem, it may take months or even years, depending on the severity. In your particular case, you would also need to change your diet and take herbs, acupuncture is not enough. Acupuncture also does not deform the knee, you clearly have something else going on there, which might be related to the diabetes or some other condition. You also said you went in to have your hormones balanced. This is very vague. There are many different hormones in the body so I cannot comment on this aspect of your case.
Unfortunately, without knowing what treatments were applied initially, it's very difficult to know whether or not your current state is a direct result of the previous acupuncture or whether your current state can be improved with more acupuncture.

Since you mention Oxford, I'm assuming you were treated initially in the UK. The laws there governing acupuncture are different from the US (where I practice). My understanding is the UK has no statutory regulation of the profession. Acupuncturists can voluntarily choose to register with the BAcC (British Acupuncture Council), but there are no real requirements in order to practice. All this is a nice way of saying: there's no guarantee that the person you saw in Oxford has any kind of training - formal or otherwise.

If you're still in the UK, I'd suggest visiting the BAcC's website to see if they have a provider location feature. The BAcC at least enforces some practice and training rules making it much more likely you'll have a better outcome.

If you're in the US, I'd visit and use their "Find a Practitioner" lookup to see who might be local to you. Call around to a few providers and see if you can get a free consult.

In the meantime, I'd suggest a primary care visit to get some blood work done and get an evaluation. There may be something conventional medicine can offer which will help you get things moving in a good direction. The other thing I'd check with at your primary care provider is whether or not you'd be clear for exercise - finding a good athletic trainer would likely help rebuild the muscles and help get your cardiovascular system back on track.