Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Sports Injuries

Adult tooth is loose. What should I do?

I got hit during baseball and now one of my teeth is loose. What should I do? Is there any way to prevent it from falling out or further damage?

9 Answers

Go to your regular dentist for an evaluation. They may need to splint the tooth temporarily for it to heal. You will risk losing the tooth otherwise.
That tooth may have a crack in the root or may be "dying" because of the trauma. If the tooth is intact, it may need a root canal and a crown. Do not wait till it abscesses and follow up with your dentist for an X-ray evaluation.
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Hi. Yes. The teeth or tooth can be splinted to the adjacent teeth. Allow 4-6 weeks prior to having the splint removed. Also, you should see a dentist to x-ray it to make sure the tooth isn't fractured. If fractured, it may require removal.
The tooth needs to be stabilized and positioned properly.
You should see a dentist right away! sometimes, we can save a loose tooth. It depends whether it is fractured, how much bone loss and mobility. Sometimes, splinting would be sufficient. It may require root canal.

Doing nothing may result in more pain, swelling, infection, tooth loss and more expense.

See a dentist for evaluation.
You need to see an oral surgeon to evaluate the tooth and the bone that surrounds the tooth for fractures. Often you also need to have an Endodontist evaluate the need for removal of the nerve if indicated. Stabilization of the tooth with a bonded appliance is also used to aid in the healing and stabilization of bone and tooth. Long term follow-up may be needed since some traumatized teeth develope resorption and later may have to be removed.
As a general rule, trauma to teeth that causes pain or displacement should be promptly evaluated by your oral surgeon or dentist.

An Exam and Radiographs can determine the extent of damage and whether the 1) tooth is loose in the socket, 2) the surrounding bone is damaged, and/or 3) the tooth is fractured.

If the tooth had pre-existing decay or gum disease, the ability to save the tooth may be jeopardized.

If the tooth is considered salvageable, generally, it needs to be held in place by splinting. A soft diet is often recommended.

Traumatically injured teeth ultimately may need root canals.

If teeth ultimately need to be removed, dental implants are often an option for tooth replacement.

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I would recommend an Endodontic evaluation for the tooth, along with stabilization of the tooth...