“Air pollution?”
Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: Months
Conditions: Cancer & blood cancer from air pollution
2 Answers
You are a young mother who is concerned about the effects of aviation emissions on the air quality when one lives near an airport.
This is certainly a concerning issue. Much investigation exists to measure the effects of aviation on air on the area of airports. The epa (environmental protection agency) and others have measured air pollutants near and further away from airports. It has been shown that emphysema and heart disease are more common in populations living close to an airport. Recently it has been reported that air pollutants have been observed even 10 miles away. Nonetheless the epa has published guidelines for airports to follow that describe safe levels of pollutants. Many groups are asking these groups to make the guidelines more stringent. The LA Times has recently reported a published study of planes exhaust. (Www.latimes.com entitled “planes exhaust could be harming communities up to 10 miles from LAX).
It is clear that more research needs to be performed and better guidelines developed for community safety.
You are quite concerned about the possible role of aircraft emissions on your child. These concerns are warranted but there is no solid data that relocation will be beneficial. Only ongoing research will lead to more effective recommendations.
Good luck.