OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Am I pregnant?

I had unprotected sex on March 6th and had sex again 1 hour after that and 2 more times early that morning. I took plan B 18 hours later, and a day before my ovulation..my boyfriend is not sure if he ejaculated in me or not so I'm scared that plan B won't work and I will end up being pregnant (which I'm not ready for) do you think that plan B will work? I had unprotected sex again on March 18th and took plan B 1 hour later. I am now spotting, I had red blood the first 2 days it was very light too and now on day 3 I am spotting brown. My period is 2 days away also. I’m very scared that I’m pregnant do you think I am? Do you think plan B is causing that and it’ll work?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: none
Conditions: none

3 Answers

Thank you for your question. I suggest seeing your provider and having a blood test to determine whether or not you’re pregnant. This will give you the peace of mind you’re looking for.
It would be best to take a pregnancy test and to consider getting on a more reliable form of contraception so that you don’t have to rely on plan B repetitively, using it off and on can cause irregular bleeding. While it is effective, it is not as effective as using other forms of contraception consistently. The birth control pill, the birth control patch, Nexplanon and depo-provera are all very reliable forms of contraception when used correctly.
The use of Plan B is licensed for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. It has up to a 3% risk of pregnancy. There are many factors that impact that including timing during your cycle, body weight and medications as examples. The bleeding is likely because of Plan B which is a hormone. When you take it you can have bleeding.

The most important issue for you to consider is to find a long term contraceptive so you do not have an unintended pregnancy. There are many safe methods. Many can decrease pain and bleeding during menses as well.