Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Sprained ankle

Ankle Pain

I sprained my ankle in April pitching in softball. It healed a while ago but sometimes when I playing sports or going up stairs and sometimes when I'm just walking, a shooting pain goes through my ankle. It lasts anywhere from 1-20 minutes. What could be going on?

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 8 months
Medications: Zoloft
Conditions: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

3 Answers

Ankle sprains can be associated with cartilage damage or tendon injuries in addition to ligament injury. Shooting pain with activities can be from ankle joint cartilage or could be from tendons or scarring of sprained or torn ligaments. Please get an evaluation from your orthopedic doctor.
You can have injury to a growth plate of residual scar formation.. Since it has been almost 6 months I would see an orthopedic surgeon and had an MRI completed to evaluate the status of the soft tissue. An xray will only show bone.
If you can run and jump probably nothing bad