Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions

Ankle injury 3 weeks ago, How long until you need to go to the doctor.

I twisted my right ankle really bad 3 weeks ago while running. It was all black/blue swollen up like a grapefruit. For 3 weeks I've kept it elevated, using minimum pressure.

Now the swelling is gone but I still have some small areas of yellow bruising on the back of my heel and up where my toes are.

I can walk, but there is still a minimum pain in the middle between my ankle and foot (this has been consistent for a whole week, with no change in improvement). The pain also shows up if I cross my legs. The pain is defiantly heightened when I wake up after a night's sleep and start to walk (it goes down after a bit)

I can move all my toes, stand on my tippy toes with the leg as the pain resides in the "Anterior talfubular or the calcaneofibular ligament (just guessing based on the where the pain is)

When is it time to go to the doctor for an injury like this? I'm actively fit (around 10% body fat) with no health issues.

Male | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 21
Medications: none
Conditions: none

11 Answers

You are now moving to a chronic sprain and need to see a foot and ankle specialist ASAP. In the short term, get into a lace up ankle brace 24-7. Be well!
Hi! I would request an appointment as soon as possible to have the area evaluated. You would need an X Ray to rule out fracture and an evaluation to check the stability of the ligaments.
Three weeks is a long time on your own with so many residual complaints.
Probably tested too long.
Need an x-ray and medical visit preferably z sports MD or podiatrist.
Midfoot pain is syringe
Add compression stop elevating.
Get help
Dr Shav

Some ankle injuries are minor and some are more complicated. Some ankle injuries are not just sprains but may also involve ankle fracture. When you have swelling and bruising it’s usually best to seek medical care at the earliest time so that an ankle fracture can be ruled out.
Where a minor ankle sprain can take 2-4 weeks to heal a major ankle sprain with possibly a fracture can take 6-12 weeks or more.
Based on your information that you had a lot of bruising and swelling and still having pain, i would recommend that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist at your earliest convenience.

Dr. Skandeva
I would recommend you see someone for this as you could have torn a tendon or the ligament is not healing properly.

Missy Journot
Hello, Thank you for your question. Yes you should make an appointment with us. We would be able to take a foot x-ray and evaluate your foot. Please call my office at 973-817-9577 for an appointment or on our portal drtotten.com
I would advise you to get an over the counter ankle brace . Wear that religiously 24/7 unless you going to sleep or going to shower. Do it for 6-8 weeks.
If you experience ANY symptoms afterwards such as pain / discomfort, bruising, swelling… etc
Then go see a doctor and get an MRI, by then the MRI will show ligament damage or tear
The yellow bruising in normal and will resolved. Take some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (like Ibuprofen/Naproxen/Celebrex/etc) at an anti-inflammatory does for a week or 2 to see if that improves the pain and swelling that persist. A soft-tissue injury can actually take longer to heal, but generally I tell patients if the pain is not continually improving and there is still significant pain about 1 month after your injury, you should seek the assistance of a Podiatrist of orthopedist. But you will likely continue to improve if nothing was significantly damaged.
The time to go see a Doctor with this injury was 3 weeks ago. Due to your description of the swelling and eccymosis (bruising) you sustained a significant injury and may have fractured your ankle joint. Yes, the most common soft tissue injuries are to the Anterior Talofibular (not talfubular) and Calcaneofibular ligaments, but that does not you mean you haven't also fractured bone(s). This is especially true since your pain is persisting. You should have had an x-ray of your Ankle joint 3 weeks ago, and you definitely need an x-ray of that joint NOW. Due to your delay in seeking medical care you may need a CT scan to clearly identify any fractured areas, or you may need an MRI to be sure there are no damaged tendons. I would highly recommend that you be examined by a Podiatric Surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery ASAP.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist (Podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options.
Since you continue to have pain, I definitely recommend medical evaluation, including diagnostic x-rays and if required an MRI.