Psychiatrist Questions

Anxiety or Something Worse?

I have not been the same since I was taken off of my anxiety meds. I have been intensely anxious, paranoid, and on edge constantly. I don’t know what to do and I keep chickening out of going to doctors appointments for some reason. I am waking up in terror and crying all day, distrusting my friends and family, etc.

Is this psychosis? What should I do? Is there a way to see someone quickly for this?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Conditions: OCD, Anxiety

1 Answer

You seem to be having severe anxiety, but why did your prescriber stop your meds. I would advise you to talk to them since they have a history with them. If you are not satisfied I would recommend you see a new prescriber since you don't seem to be doing well from the history you report. Good luck and a Happy new year, hopefully you will be anxiety free.