Dentist Questions Dentist

Are ceramic implants better than titanium?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know if ceramic implants are better than titanium?

4 Answers

While the answer will vary depending on who you ask, there is no disputing the fact that there is more research and a longer proven record of success with titanium implants than ceramic implants.
Functionally they work the same. However, ceramic are more esthetic. Depending on where the implant is going to be in your mouth (incisors vs molars) the ceramic may give a nicer looking restoration because the metal ones can be somewhat visible in the anterior region where tissue is thinner. 

The jury is still out on the if ceramic implants are better or worse than titanium. What I can tell you is that titanium has been proven for over 30 years to be very safe and strong in the mouth. I would go with the proven method over the newer technology until it is proven.