“Are implant retained dentures good?”
I want to get implant-retained dentures. Are implant retained dentures good?
5 Answers
Implant retained dentures are very beneficial and functional. The implants or "implant locators", give great retention to keep the dentures in place. And because the dentures are snug and locked on the implants, the patient is given great eating function and comfort, along with self confidence because the dentures can not slip while talking. This is a wonderful choice of treatment when dealing with boneloss that naturally occurs because of missing teeth.
Yes! People who have implant retained dentures have substantially better chewing capacity and fewer sores long term. The teeth stay in place great.
Implant retained dentures are an excellent choice for patients when the diagnosis supports their need. In fact, the American Dental Association (ADA) now promotes lower implant retained full dentures as "standard of care". The cost for implants may impede the use of implants so this standard is slowly being introduced. Insofar as upper implant retained dentures are concerned, I recommend them only if a patient has an extreme gag reflex to standard full dentures. The bone density on the upper arch is much less than that on the lower arch and the failure rate on upper implant retained dentures is above what we consider normal. One final note: the failure rate for implants in general is very high for smokers - to the point where many surgeons will now refuse to place implants on smokers. I've not seen studies on whether this includes cannabis smokers or vape users. This failure rate with smokers can reach 50%. so keep that in mind.
My experience with implant supported dentures has been very positive and that my patients have been pleased with the results. They can be fixed or removable but both can work well depending on your expectations.
Implant retained denture is a great improvement to conventional dentures!
More stability, and no looseness, increase confidence, and better dental cosmetics, Dental implant dentures requires more care than conventional dentures, and does have its cons!!
For more information on dental implants click here:
More stability, and no looseness, increase confidence, and better dental cosmetics, Dental implant dentures requires more care than conventional dentures, and does have its cons!!
For more information on dental implants click here: