“Are neck pillows good for neck pain?”
I am a 29 year old male. I want to know if neck pillows are good for neck pain?
4 Answers
There are some great pillows out there that will definitely help properly support your neck while you sleep but you can also see a local chiropractor to make sure the problem isn't more than just a need to change your pillow!
They can be, with any pillow you want to strive for a neutral spine position, whether you are laying on your back or on your side. There is no good way to lay on your stomach and sleep, that's bad for you. My favorite pillow is a Therapeutica Pillow. they come in soft and original based on your preference and they come in at least 4 sizes. They offer a measuring rule to figure out what size you need based on the distance between your mastoid process and shoulder, you might check that one out.