Acupuncturist Questions Allergy and Immunology Specialist

Are there any natural treatments for seasonal allergies?

I have seasonal allergies. Are there any natural treatments for seasonal allergies?

5 Answers

You might check with your local acupuncturist or herbalist to see if they have herbal formulas to help with the seasonal allergies.
Yes. Yes. Acupuncture with herbs can be very helpful in giving relief from seasonal allergies.
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Yes, acupuncture can treat seasonal allergies.
acupuncture and herbal treatments
Yes, there are a few options in terms of natural treatment for seasonal allergy.

Western herbalism offers treatment for allergy. Some homeopathic remedies can help.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be very effective at both managing short term symptoms and helping reduce or eliminate allergy altogether over the long term.

Nutrition can sometimes play a role.