“Back exercises after adjustments?”
I recently received an adjustment for lower back pain. What exercises can I do on my own to help with my pain?
37 Answers
Some questions need to be answered first. What is the cause of the back pain? Was it properly diagnoses with nerve scan, examination and x-ray? A disc problem does not need exercise at the onset of the treatment plan. After chiropractic correction of the spine is completed then core strengthening exercises are beneficial, along with a host of other low back exercises designed to support the back. I.E.: leg extensions, leg and hip flexions; leg lifts, and others. The timing as to when you would start exercises is vital.
Without examining you it would be hard to answer. But you could ask your chiropractor if you would benefit from core strengthening exercises like Superman or using a foam roller.
It would be best to speak to the practitioner who adjusted you, so that they can recommend the best exercises particularly for your condition.
In Health,
Dr. Jodie Schultz
In Health,
Dr. Jodie Schultz
Depending on your injury, there are MANY exercises that will help with your low back. Here is a video I made to assist ;-)
This will depend on what the actual diagnosis is. Certain general stretches, but as there is a specific diagnosis, we can isolate those particular areas. For example, if there is a spondylolithesis, we would not want to add additional flexion to that joint.
Go to YouTube and put into the search engine lower back exercises to strengthen your core. Pelvic bridges, planks etc.
It depends on what movements increase the pain. If you extend backwards and pain increase. I would do some William- Flexion exercises. You can google and see pictures of these exercises.
(Double knee to chest, single knee to chest, pelvic tilts, abdominal core strengthening exercises, thoraco-dorsal spinal stretches is a good start).
Hope this give you some relief. Continue the exercises, then add strengthening exercise. That will help to hold your adjustments longer.
It depends on what movements increase the pain. If you extend backwards and pain increase. I would do some William- Flexion exercises. You can google and see pictures of these exercises.
(Double knee to chest, single knee to chest, pelvic tilts, abdominal core strengthening exercises, thoraco-dorsal spinal stretches is a good start).
Hope this give you some relief. Continue the exercises, then add strengthening exercise. That will help to hold your adjustments longer.
I recommend yoga to all my patients. there is a free video series called 30 days of yoga that is very easy to perform. Even if you cant touch your toes it will help the more you move. Ask your doctor if it is ok before you try it.
We usually recommend McKenzie and Williams exercises for our patients with lower back pain but it totally dependent on exactly what's going on with your lower back and what diagnosis you were given. Next time you see your chiropractor as him or her what the appropriate exercises would be.
First off, whoever gave you that adjustment should have answered this question for you. If they are qualified to do chiropractic adjustments, they should also be able to give you advice to help with exercises.
Pelvic tilts, Supermans, Bridges, and Planks are all exercises that are very low to minimal impact to your lower back without compromising and disc bulges, degeneration, or injuries that you may have sustained. There are more advanced exercises, but there are a few basic lower back, core building, supportive exercises that will go well with any type of chiropractic adjustment.
Pelvic tilts, Supermans, Bridges, and Planks are all exercises that are very low to minimal impact to your lower back without compromising and disc bulges, degeneration, or injuries that you may have sustained. There are more advanced exercises, but there are a few basic lower back, core building, supportive exercises that will go well with any type of chiropractic adjustment.
Great question. The severity of the low back pain and what exactly is going on determines the value of the exercise. If it is a routine adjustment, then a simple 10 to 15 min walk will help keep muscles relaxed. If you need specific exercises, then you need to discuss it with your chiropractor to determine what muscle groups you need to strengthen or stretch.
Once the symptoms have started to decrease, then you can start with stabilization and strengthening exercises such as: Bird Dogs, Dead Bugs, Hamstring Stretching, Supine Lumbar Rotation Stretching.
*If low back pain flares up while performing an exercise, back off that exercise.
*If low back pain flares up while performing an exercise, back off that exercise.
You can do simple stretches such as knee to chest.
Most importantly ask your doctor which exercises are right for you.
Dr. Sonal Dalal DC
Most importantly ask your doctor which exercises are right for you.
Dr. Sonal Dalal DC
This is strictly dependent on the diagnosis. If this is an acute problem, chronic, multiple episodes, etc... what’s the plan? I’d stick to it.
Pain is an indication that there is a problem with your
Lower back.
When the pain subsided and normal range of
Motion is returned, then exercise is appropriate.
Lower back.
When the pain subsided and normal range of
Motion is returned, then exercise is appropriate.
In order to recommend exercises that will help, I need a little history to
understand what is causing the back pain. Best to ask the doctor who
adjusted you.
Dr. Wil
understand what is causing the back pain. Best to ask the doctor who
adjusted you.
Dr. Wil
Great question! There is no way to know which exercises are appropriate for
you without seeing the results of your examination and X-rays.
I don't expect miracles after a single treatment, it's more like a bandaid,
but we do accept the miracles if they do happen.
Do not vacuum, sweep or pick up anything over 10 lbs and do not soak in a
bathrub or use a heating pad until you see your Chiropractor for your next
It can be normal for you to feel some soreness or stiffness after an
adjustment if your body is not used to it.
It is very similar to exercising for the first time in a couple weeks - you
can be stiff and sore the next day, not because the exercise was bad for
you, but because your body was not used to it.
The acclimation period is normally less than two weeks and you should start
to notice some positive results such as a reduction in your symptoms.
Have as good a day as you can and schedule your next adjustment with your
you without seeing the results of your examination and X-rays.
I don't expect miracles after a single treatment, it's more like a bandaid,
but we do accept the miracles if they do happen.
Do not vacuum, sweep or pick up anything over 10 lbs and do not soak in a
bathrub or use a heating pad until you see your Chiropractor for your next
It can be normal for you to feel some soreness or stiffness after an
adjustment if your body is not used to it.
It is very similar to exercising for the first time in a couple weeks - you
can be stiff and sore the next day, not because the exercise was bad for
you, but because your body was not used to it.
The acclimation period is normally less than two weeks and you should start
to notice some positive results such as a reduction in your symptoms.
Have as good a day as you can and schedule your next adjustment with your
Log on to Therabandacademy.com and sign up. It's free. There you will find specific exercises for the lower back and much more.
It always depends on deficiencies and asymmetries found during evaluation
to determine proper exercises.
to determine proper exercises.
Thank you for your question. Unfortunatly, as every patient and case is different, so are the exercises that are best for them. There are a few that a common for most types of back pain. A great chiropractor posted a video that include some of these exercises. I have linked it below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASNH4UUd-60
Many Yoga type poses are great for increasing flexibility. Actually, i recommend to my patients to search their App Store, and type in Free Yoga, and try these poses out to your favorite songs. I recommend 20 mins of stretching everyday. Or 20 mins of stretching for every hour of exercise. Folks get wrapped around the axle on whether they should stretch before, during, or after exercise...the correct answer...there isnt one. I recommend a little before, a little in the middle, and the bulk of stretching after you're done. Cobra, Child's Pose, Butterfly stretch, Hurdlers stretch, cat/camel, and whole body vibration via a vibration plate is a great place to start. Advanced exercises are available when you are ready.
Your Chiropractor should offer you this information. There are many ways to adjust the lower back. Depending on what is wrong and what or how it is being treated can mandate the type of low back exercises you may need to do.
Without knowing the extent of your situation (whether it was from trauma,
strain, overuse) I could not safely give your recommendations. Please ask
your chiropractor for recommendation as it would be negligent of me to give
your recommendations without an exam and/or possibly imaging. Your
chiropractor should know what is best for you in regards to stretching and
exercises...if they are not willing to assist look for a chiropractor or
clinic that will offer adjustments as well as exercises and stretching
strain, overuse) I could not safely give your recommendations. Please ask
your chiropractor for recommendation as it would be negligent of me to give
your recommendations without an exam and/or possibly imaging. Your
chiropractor should know what is best for you in regards to stretching and
exercises...if they are not willing to assist look for a chiropractor or
clinic that will offer adjustments as well as exercises and stretching
Laying on your back on a firm surface, keeping the back of your head on the firm surface use your hands one on each knee and pull both of your knees towards your chest equally until you feel a comfortable stretch on your lower back or you have reached your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute, then relax; start with sets of 3-5 and continue each day until you are able to bring your knees to your chest without pain or much feeling of stretch. Stop if pain increases; if you can not reach your knee's place a towel or rope under your knees and use it as leverage. I recommend both knee's pulled equally together; you risk over rotating the pelvis if you do this stretch one knee at a time.
Hello. This is a great question for your chiropractor who should of given you instructions before you left the office. There are great foam rolling exercises and ball exercises for lower back on our website, www.chirohealthsf.com, video tab. I would recommend you start with the foam roller for a week and then incorporate the ball. Please be sure to follow the instructions on the video carefully. You may be sore the first time, and will need to ice after you complete the exercises for 20 minutes. When you see your chiropractor on the next visit make sure you ask her/him if there are any restrictions she/he may want you to follow. Hope you feel better.
Depending on your condition there are many different exercises. Core strengthening is key but you should really check with your Doctor before you start a program..
Pelvis tilts while lying on your back, knees bent. Moist heat and a short leisurely walk may help too.
That depends on what is wrong with your low back. Your chiropractor will give you an exact answer to that question. Ask him!
It really depends on many factors which exercises might help. There are literally hundreds of types of back pain. Your question does not provide near enough information to give an answer. What is your diagnosis?
It all depends on what the cause of your pain is. Your doctor should advise you of what's most appropriate. Usually 3 20 minute walks/day is helpful. Gentle knee to chest stretch shouldn't aggravate your condition. Avoid over stretching or twisting.
You can do bridges and planks to help strengthen the core. Any exercises
to help strengthen the core will help the back pain. Pelvic tilts, and any
other stabilization exercises. Do not do any hard core Power workouts
using your back quite yet till you are recovered. Also depends on what's
causing your back pain. Is there a time you could meet at my clinic to see?
Dr Quentin Smith
to help strengthen the core will help the back pain. Pelvic tilts, and any
other stabilization exercises. Do not do any hard core Power workouts
using your back quite yet till you are recovered. Also depends on what's
causing your back pain. Is there a time you could meet at my clinic to see?
Dr Quentin Smith
This depends on a lot of variables. Did you receive x-rays or MRIs of your lower back to substantiate WHY you have low back pain? What was the explanation for your back pain? Your question can probably be best answered by the chiropractor who originally treated you. Most chiropractors are happy to hear that their patients want to actively be involved in the healing process. Ask them what you can do at home to help with your recovery.