Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Best course of action for month old toe injury?

Over a month ago, I slipped and slammed my toes straight into the floor. It hurt for a moment then didn't hurt until I woke the next day and it hurt very much again. There was at no point any visible swelling or bruising, only pain. I just dealt with the pain because of healthcare costs. Since then it hurts less but still hurts when I walk and I can't wear heeled shoes because the pain is more intense wearing them. The pain is actually not on the actual toe, it's in the bottom of the foot directly below the second toe. It also hurts if pressure is applied there and if I move that second toe to the right.
I am now able to afford to have it checked out, but I'm wondering if it's worth it. It's already been a month, though I still have the pain, will they do anything but tell me to take pain medicine and maybe wrap it? I just don't want to waste time and money if it's not necessary to have it seen. Thanks for any information.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month

9 Answers

I would recommend an x-ray to rule out a fracture and an offloading shoe or boot.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options. There may be a residual fracture or there may be a bone bruise from the trauma
Likely it is due to an internal injury such as turf toe or plantar plate injury, this are conditions that needs a consult with a local podiatrist. xray and mri likely needed. please find a local podiatrist near you to help.
Might have a nerve pinch.Metatarsal pad might help.Can buy from drugstore.
Unfortunately (because of health care costs for you), there is no way to diagnose your problem through the internet. You will have to be seen by a specialist, and maybe will even need an x-ray or MRI to help assist in diagnosing your condition.
You should consult with your local podiatrist.
Sorry to read about your toe. Thanks for sharing with the FATD community. I am happy to offer my thoughts, tips, and suggestions. Since there was not much bruising or extreme swelling I feel it was not broken but rather ‘jammed’. This can bruise the surfaces of the bones in the joint, or stretch or tear the tissues holding the joints together. By three weeks (and wearing a hard-some shoe to protect it while walking) I would work on regaining full range of active (your toe and foot muscles moving the joint) and passive (your hands or floor moving the joints) motion. These types of injuries can take 6-12 weeks to resolve. And prolonged high heel wearing not be possible for 3 months or so (depending on how bad the injury was and how your body perceives pain and heals). I hope this helps.
Very little I can tell you without physical evaluation and xrays.
Hello. I am sorry to hear about your injury. I would start with a xray. If that is negative then a mri is a possibilty. You could have a fracture or an injury to a ligament about the 2nd toe joint. I would see a foot specialist