Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions

Bilirubin in urine

I have lost close to 30 pounds in the last 3 months. All unintentional. My brain is foggy, I have mucus in my stools, my urine is always dark with a strong odor, I keep getting rashes and I'm not allergic to anything. I have bad stomach pain (it's worst when I eat) I had a UA today and it was as follows;
Leuko - Neg,
Nitrate - positive (very dark pink),
Urobili - neg,
Protein - Trace
PH - 6.0
Specific Gravity - 1.025
Blood - Neg
Ketone -Neg
Bilirubin - positive
Glucose - Neg

Female | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 3 Months
Medications: Estrogen, addrall, vitamin d, folic acid, celebrex, gabapentin
Conditions: Post menopausal, osteoarthosis, high cholesterol, ADHD, vitamin D and folic Acid deficiency, polycythemia vera

1 Answer

First of all, that sounds awful. So sorry to hear. The nitrate in the urine in the absence of leukocytes makes a urine infection less likely. The bilirubin in urine may be a sign of liver disease. With the other symptoms that you are having, a disease affecting the liver or gallbladder is concerning. I would also recommend being evaluated for Celiac Disease or Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome. I do not think you need a kidney doctor (nephrologist) at this time. I think your primary care physician should be able to order blood tests to evaluate these conditions and/or imaging such as an ultrasound of the right upper quadrant.