OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Gynecology Questions

Bleeding a week after period

On September 2, I started my period and bled for about 4 days. On September 12, I began having some cramping and spotting. The bleeding became heavier similar to a period and I have continued to have cramps. It has now been 6 days and I am still having period like bleeding. I recently took prednisone for bronchitis, as well as cough perles as well as an inhaler. Besides that, I regularly take Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, and progesterone only birth control. I do not usually get a period, and if I do it is very light. My period on the 2nd was my first period in the past few months, so it is extra abnormal for me to have heavy bleeding within a week apart. What could be causing this?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: Listed in question

2 Answers

Hello, and thank you for reaching out, Your abnormal bleeding can be the result of many factors. However, the foremost thing to do is rule out that you're NOT pregnant. Even though you are on Pg only BCP you could have a failure due to the other medications you are on . A home urine pregnancy test could be done. If that is negative then you are most likely having some prolonged "breakthrough bleeding" from the BCPs. This is not unusual and the additional prednisone and other meds may also be interacting with your pills. In any case you should consult with your Women's Health Provider for a full evaluation and treatment as indicated. Be well, Adelaide G. Nardone MD, FACOG Assistant Clerkship Director, Obstetrics & Gynecology Frank H. Netter School of Medicine Quinnipiac University
On a progesterone-only pill, irregular bleeding is common; it can be due to stress due to your illness or due to the steroids (prednisone). It also can be due to an ovarian cyst, or infection. If it doesn't resolve, I would see your GYN.