Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Bloating, constipated pain around the belly button?

My stomach is bloated above and below the belly button. Feels stiff and constipated. I do have bowel movements every morning. I started taking Miralax last night and a probiotic pill. Woke up and still feel discomfort around my belly button. Not sure what to take next, maybe Pepto bismal? I have some antacid pills omemprazole. I also have some ulcer medicine from a year ago lazanoprole or something. What can I take to ease the pain/bloating/discomfort?

Male | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: lisinopril
Conditions: none

2 Answers

If you have not had a bowel movement yet, the Miralax may not have worked yet.  If you had a bowel movement and you still have to bloat, try the omeprazole.  If the omeprazole does not help within 2 days, then you should see your doctor.  You may need to have some blood and/or x-ray tests done.  
I cannot tell what this is based on the information provided. It is not constipation if you are having daily bowel movements. Don't use probiotics unless you gain a clear benefit. Best thing to do is have a physical exam to try to make a diagnosis. First get a diagnosis, then can offer treatment.
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