Neurologist Questions


I have cerebral palsy and muscle tension on my both achilles tendons. I had three achilles tendon surgeries. Could botox injections help for adults with cerebral palsy?

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 10 years
Conditions: Cerebral palsy, learning disability

2 Answers

It depends upon your feet positioni at resting and the ankle articulation range of passive extesión. If it´is acceptab*le, Botox injection in Soleous and -Gastrocnemious would be an option.
Yes, Botox has been helpful in alleviating spasticity and particularly on the heelcords. It must be accompanied by physical therapy and sometimes with serial casting. The draw back sometimes is that after several rounds it looses efficacy. Another option ( a bit more invasive) but quite useful ; Specially if your spasticity is disseminated and involves trunk and upper extremities is an intrathecal Baclofen pump.Talk to your Neurologist or Physical Rehabilitation Dr. about those options. Good luck. Dr. F. Sent from AOL on Android