“Brain hyperactivity?”
Male | 32 years old
Complaint duration: Indefinitely
Medications: None
Conditions: Brain hyperactivity
9 Answers
NeurologistNeurologistAll my best,
Lance Steinberg MD, Inc.
Lots of positives in the question you asked, the most important is, "It doesn't seem to affect most of my day-to-day activities," but it is impairing your sleep and you're curious about what's going on. You also mentioned, "I do like to talk a lot about subjects that interest me, but I can occasionally become extremely socially awkward which concerned me that it may be due to a form of autism." Without examining you and speaking in broad strokes not specific to you, there are certainly mild forms of autism spectrum disorder, what used to be referred to as "Asperger disorder" that is highly undiagnosed in the population. The good news is that many social skills that are not innate can actually be taught. This is something that can be remediated. No magic pills, just learning a new skill set. Now, as to the "hyperactive brain," that means many different things to different people. So, I'd need to understand more about that. You can certainly call my office at 609.366.0669 and we could speak briefly to determine if my practice is a good fit for an evaluation. The other direction you could move is neuropsychological testing.
Best of luck!!
Renee S. Kohanski, M.D.