Pulmonologist Questions

Breathing difficulties.

Hello. For a little over a month now I’ve been having difficulties breathing along with left sided flank pain. I tried to see if that would go away but since then I’ve developed new symptoms which include waking up with headaches every morning and dizziness. I also have a dry cough that does not produce any phlegm. I have been to the ER because of this but they did a chest x ray and found nothing but still worried about symptoms.

I’m not currently on any medications but I do have an IUD in place.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: Months
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

You certainly need some additional tests. Urinalysis with a possible culture, tests for infection, like a CBC, ESR and CRP might be helpful. A normal D-Dimer rules out blood clots, but an abnormal D-Dimer would suggest a blood clot is possible. CT scan of the chest, possibly a CT angiogram might help find an answer. I would see your primary care provider to get started on a work up to find the cause.