Dermapathologist Questions Dermatologist

Bumps on skin?

My 19 month old has a bunch of little tiny bumps on his skin. They are on his face, arms, and legs. His primary care doctor says it’s eczema, but I feel it looks more like Keratosis Pilaris. He also doesn’t seem to be affected by it with any itching or irritation. I am just curious if there is anything I can do to get rid of it. It seems like it has gotten worse recently and I just want to get it figured out.

Male | 1 year old
Complaint duration: Months

1 Answer

Keratosis pilaris is a form of eczema. Moisturing and using gentle cleansers is key to keeping this condition at bay but the bumps sometimes need a prescription or OTC moisturizer to smooth down the bumps. I recommend washing with CeraVe Hydrating cleanser and using a good cream like CeraVe cream (original), Vanicream, or Cetaphil. It will take a few weeks to see a difference. Best of luck! P.S. Don't scrub the bumps!! His skin is sensitive and this trauma could make the condition worse.