Urologist Questions Urologist

Burning sensation/cloudy urine?

I've had a burning sensation and cloudy urine on and off for almost 2 years. At first, it was a UTI and they gave me antibiotics, which I took but not consistently. It later came back and a few weeks ago, I couldn't stand the pain. I went to my urologist and he told me I have a genetic sensitivity to caffeine and to quit all types, which I have. The burning sensation continued, the cloudy urine continued, and now I felt the need to go more frequently to urinate. Went back to the urologist and he did a cystoscopy on me: no obstruction and no signs of cancer. All my urine samples came back negative for infection. However, the urologist gave me Doxycycline (just in case I had an infection) and Tamsulosin to take for 10 days. I am on day 7. Today, I felt a slight burning sensation when urinating. Is that normal?

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Hydroxizine (for anxiety), Tamsulosin, Doxycycline
Conditions: None

2 Answers

It is not easy to give you an answer. You are already seeing a GU specialist. Over time, you might end up needing a urologist who subspecializes in your type of problems. Since I am a nephrologist, I might not be able to add to what kind of care you are getting.
Yes can be normal, I agree with low sugar and caffeine-free diet.