Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Burning sensation?

I started off with a burning sensation in my lower abdomen which was very mild, but the next day in the evening it moved to my legs, arms, torso, and face. I was put on Trepiline but still suffered from the burning and had hot flashes once or twice. Slept with a cold water bottle to ease the burning. Went to another Dr to get a second opinion. I suffer from fever blisters/ cold sores and she thought it was the herpes virus that was causing the burning. She gave me a course of anti-viral tablets which seemed to help a bit, but then the burning started again, this time also in my head and neck, she put me back on trepiline, which has helped. But now, I'm suffering from indigestion/burning stomach and back and bloating and burning in my head, some days are worse than others. She did a physical and doesn't think it's cancer. She put me on gaviscon and peploc for two weeks and if it doesn't help I must go back. But why am I suffering like this, it has to be something. Googling tells me it is cancer. What can be done?

Female | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 1 and half months

1 Answer

The burning sensation is indicative of nerve pathology. When this started in the abdomen it looks like the herpes virus (Zoster) and then you have blisters, then spread up to the whole body, unless this is a systemic disease it may be the dissemination of the virus, then they gave you Amitryptiline but you did. It responded well. I do not know for how long or what does you were on. Then the GI tract acted up. This tells me that the case started like a distal nerve problem, then evolve as diffuse peripheral neuropathy, and lastly as autonomic peripheral neuropathy.
You need nerve testing. EMG/MCS of all 4 limbs and try a different medication for neuropathy. Just remember that everything in neurology takes some time, weeks to start working.