Obstetrics & Gynecology Questions OB-GYN

Can I be pregnant?

I had my first sexual intercourse 8 months ago and then I put on implanon. Before the implanon took effect, penetration had already taken place. Now after 8 months, I'm very tired all the time and I don't do anything, very sleepy, a lot of headaches, mild nausea, very, very hungry that nothing satiates me, a lot of back pain, cramps, I gained weight and I'm also swollen. I've been menstruating for a month with brown blood and twice something black came out. I don't know if it was a placenta or a clot, my breasts swelled too. Can it be silent pregnancy?

Female | 20 years old

2 Answers

If a urine pregnancy test is negative then it is incredibly unlikely you would be pregnant.
Get a pregnancy test. Make an appointment in one of the ob/GYN clinics.
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