Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I brush my teeth normally with braces?

I am a 21 year old female. I want to know if I can brush my teeth normally with braces?

6 Answers

Nothing is normal with braces. Brushing must necessarily be different and more difficult and time consuming. A waterpic is a great help after brushing as are very small thin proxy brushes used like a tooth pic. Always have a mirror and toothbrush handy after eating at parties so you are not wearing what you just ate. I always carried a tooth brush when I had braces as an adult and headed to the sink after eating.
Yes you should brush regularly and then some with braces. I would recommend after every meal and in the Am after rising and in PM before retiring. The challenge is to clean between teeth and around the gumeline on the tongue side and cheek side with each cleaning. Ask your orthodontist if there are any special considerations with your braces like cross arch elastics that you might have to deal with before brushing, and any cleaning aids like proxabrushes or floss threaders that they would recommend. Remember, daily plaque control is even more important to prevent decay and gum disease when you wear braces.
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Unfortunately, NO, braces are a big food trap and make flossing difficult, so changes and a waterpik are necessary.
The quick answer is YES. It will be a little more challenging getting around the wires and brackets and flossing may be impossible but do the best you can. Take your time. It is a fact that the teeth will move more quickly when the tissues are healthy!
Yes! In fact, it is super important that you up your brushing and flossing game when you're in braces to assure that you prevent gingivitis and white spots or cavities around where your brackets sit. A good quality brush, like a Sonicare, will help you!
Yes, but I recommend toothbrush.