Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I drink soda after dental implants?

I am a 39 year old male. I want to know if I can drink soda after dental implants?

8 Answers

As with any surgery where healing needs to be undisturbed, the answer is “No”! For example, after surgical removal of a tooth, I almost always suture the site closed to help retain the blood clot. A drink that may bubble or be effervescent, may dislodge the clot creating a potential for “dry socket”. In implant placement, if that is the question, bone grafting and a barrier membrane may also have been placed and may be affected too.
Simply stay away from any bubbly drink for st least 72 hrs. You spent a lot of money so help maximize the healing process with anything that supports better healing! That clot is necessary and your protection! No Soda!
I would be careful, due to if there is infection the the sugar will feed the bacteria. Wait a few days.
Yes you can
Depends on how long you define as "after." I tell my patients to wait 2 weeks before drinking sodas. Especially stay away from straws for at least 3 days. The negative pressure may complicate healing of the soft tissue.
Yes you can drink soda. Soda is very acidic and can erode away the enamel on natural teeth. Frequent soda drinking is one of the most damaging things you can do to your natural teeth. Dental implants are not made of enamel and are not affected by soda.

Drew Shulman, DMD,MAGD
Yes, you can, but not through a straw.
Yes you can.