Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterology Questions Gastroenterologist

Can I even be cured?

Ever since I was young I've been dealing with stomach problems. Ever since 2 years ago I have had to deal with a severe case of meteorism, flatulence, bloating, constipation, and so on. This comfort starts from when I wake up until I go to bed. My stomach growls if I don't eat or even if I do. the symptoms get worse when I go outside and am around people. I feel a little pain in my appendix area but I don't have all the appendicitis symptoms. I've gone to a doctor 5 times but none of them worked. please if you could tell me what's wrong with me I'd be extremely grateful. I'm a 19 year old female.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: I don't take any medication
Conditions: ibs or early symptoms of appendicitis??

2 Answers

there is no way I can figure out what is wrong but you start with your primary care doc then GI after that to try to get to the bottom of your issues. Keeping a food diary of everything you eat and when symptoms bother you might be helpful. Seeing an allergist might also be helpful.
Someone needs to make a proper diagnosis and explain each symptom. There is probably more than one reason for the various symptoms but each one needs to be explained and then treatment should be offered.
Meteorismus and flatulence are usually caused by carbohydrate malabsorption so you should try the low FODMAP diet.
Constipation is probably a separate problem and needs to be addressed by laxatives and maybe some basic work up of colonic function.
You say you have been to a doctor 5 times but I don't know what kind of a doctor you have seen. You should see a GI doctor of course. If you already saw a GI and got nowhere, then find one who cares and pays attention.