“Can I get rid of back fat?”
I am a 34 year old female. I want to know if I can get rid of back fat?
4 Answers
Hello, yes, of course we can get rid of back fat, with Liposcupture, BodyTite, or a combination. For further information, you can visit my website, at Drroya.com. Good luck!
Yes, you can!! At age 34, your best first option is to find a personal trainer and nutritionist in your area and go for a consultation. Eating better, in combination with a structured exercise program, is always the best, first option for body transformation and recontouring. If you need a faster solution, liposuction remains the surgical gold standard for body recontouring. Consult your local plastic surgeon.
Yes. You can lose the weight, which is by far the cheapest and best. But, it can be suctioned by a plastic surgeon too. You will have to commit to following the instructions post-suction. It may require more than one procedure. Just make sure if this is the choice, that he/she has lots of experience with obvious good results.