General Practitioner Questions Concussion

Can I take painkillers when recovering from a concussion

My Question is how long after a concussion should I abstain from taking tylenol or advil?

It's been about 4 weeks since I had a mild concussion. The first few days I just tried to ignore it but after getting advice I've seen a doctor, taken 2 weeks off work and my symptoms have gotten better in alot of ways. I have since returned to work but I am struggling alot at making it through the day without acetaminophen. The only reason im taking acetaminophen instead of tylenol or advil is because I heard that its better for concussions but can still be bad for you if taken for too long.
Can I start taking safer painkillers like tylenol and advil again so I can make it through my work shifts or will that increase the chance of something going wrong?
The headaches get pretty bad after about 4 or 5 hours of work and the cramps slow me down alot too, I definitely need something to help me get through my shifts.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Medications: Acetaminophen
Conditions: Concussion

2 Answers

You most likely are deveoping a post-concusion syndrome, which is tied to tension and myoses in the scalene muscles and the upper regions of the trapizius muscle. You should seek out a low level laser therpist to get it fixed.
First of all, acetaminophen IS Tylenol.
Secondly, I typically recommend to take both acetaminophen and ibuprofen simultaneously (at the same time) because they each work great by themselves on different receptors, but much better together.
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