Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I treat gingivitis myself?

I have gingivitis and want to fix it. Can I treat gingivitis myself?

3 Answers

Yes. Gingivits is inflammation of the gums from and acute bacterial infection. The bacteria is somewhat superficial and can cause irritation to the gums such as swelling and bleeding. 2 wks of increased hygiene with a focus on daily flossing and antibacterial rinses can improve early infection. If left untreated for long, it can lead to bone loss called periodontitis. This usually needs to be treated by a dental professional.
No, Gingivitis or inflamed gum tissue, should only be treated by your dentist and hygienist.
Usually, yes. Brush and floss 2x per day. If there are tarter deposits, they will need to be removed by a hygienist.