Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I use mouthwash 1 week after extraction?

I had a tooth extraction 1 week ago. I want to use mouthwash. Can I use mouthwash 1 week after extraction?

12 Answers

I usually tell my patients to not use mouthwash for three weeks or until the extraction site is fully healed since mouthwash tends to be harsh when you have an open wound and could delay healing. You can rinse with warm salt water instead.
Yes, it is safe.
Recommendation post extraction is to not use mouthwashes containing alcohol for the first 3-4 days. 7 days later if you feel good, and the extraction area is not tender feel free to use any mouthwash you like

Yes you can. Continue to be gentle with swishing though. Do not vigorously swish. Hope this helps.
If all is going well, then yes. Use a non-alcohol mouthwash.
You can use mouthwash 1 week after an extraction. I would advise avoiding mouthwashes with alcohol in them for a little while longer as it might cause and uncomfortable burning sensation at the extraction sites still. Be careful while swishing around and spitting the mouthwash out. Don’t do it too forcefully.

Yes, you can. Also, I highly recommend warm water and salt mouth rinse it helps a lot.
You can use mouthwash after your extraction but you only want to let it gently move around your mouth, vigorous swishing can dislodge your blood clot that is protecting the extraction site. Also warm salt water is better than mouthwash if you are getting a bad flavor- alcohol in mouthwash can dehydrate the healing soft tissue.
I would still contact the dentist who did the extraction as it all depends on the individual case depending on the healing thanks
Yes! I would stick to a zero alcohol mouthwash to prevent any burning sensation around the extraction site. Until the extraction site is fully healed, just gently swish the mouthwash and then let the liquid "fall" out of your mouth. No forceful swishing or spitting.