Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can I use salt water rinse a week after implant surgery?

I had implant surgery 1 week ago. Can I use salt water rinse a week after implant surgery?

3 Answers

Thank you for asking that question! Yes, You should continue to use salt water to rinse until the surgical site-- i.e. the gum tissue- is completely closed / healed. Dr. Chin
A salt water rinse is usually not harmful to the gingiva if mixed in the right proportions for medical/dental use. Make sure to rinse your mouth with regular (unsalted) water afterwards. DENTIST
Salt water rinse may not be suitable for your implant. It is best to contact the implant surgeon for advice. You may also try some natural rinses that I often suggest to my patients, such as StellaLife. You can find more information and order it from their website