Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can I wear computer glasses all the time?

I am a 17 year old male. I wonder if I can wear computer glasses all the time?

7 Answers

Consult with your eye doctor if they are prescription glasses to ensure they are designed for full time wear. If you are using non-prescription blue light blocking computer glasses, they are not suitable to use outdoors.
Hi, For the computer glasses, it really depends on what the doctor prescribed you. Depending on your prescription, sometimes we prescribe the regular prescription to be used on the computer, and other times it is a stronger prescription. If it is stronger, you should not be wearing it all the time as it would not be safe to drive in. I would recommend contacting your provider to get a more accurate answer. Thanks, Dr. Tang
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If your computer glasses have been prescribed for your computer only, I would assume that your eye doctor did not think that it was necessary to prescribe something for you for the distance. Please remember that eyeglass lenses or contact lenses can be prescribed to be used at the distances that we need them for; either distance (driving or TV), middle (a computer screen), or close (reading, looking at a keyboard, or using your phone). So, to use a computer pair of glasses all the time does not seem to be the correct way that they were prescribed for you to use them. There are certainly invisible bifocal/progressive lenses that people can use all of the time that are used for distance, middle, and close needs. But at the computer, these types of lenses would only be used for the computer screen and the keyboard and looking through the top portion/distance lens would not be necessary.
If you are not sure, or if you have other questions concerning the use of your computer glasses for your eyes specifically, I would suggest speaking directly to the eye doctor or prescribing optician that you saw. Good luck and best wishes.
This question requires further clarification because there are 2 major components in computer glasses: 1) commonly a "blue" tint filter to block out harmful blue light effect and the other is 2) a slight added magnification to enlarge print or near items for easier viewing.
If your computer glasses ONLY have the first component you can chose to wear them all the time for lighting comfort.
However, if your computer glasses also have the added magnification component to see near targets easier, you may ONLY wear them for near visual tasks as the added magnification would make your distance vision blurry and not appropriate for driving or distance task.

Therefore the answer to your question is: it depends on the components that make up the computer glasses!
It depends on how your prescription is written. This is really a question you should ask the person who wrote your prescription.

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Your prescription specifies that it is for use while you’re looking at a computer. This is the time and place for you to be wearing your prescription. In short, if you’re not in front of the computer, don’t wear a computer prescription.
Thanks for asking!
If you have distance vision problems as well, you can get progressives that you can wear all day. But if you have problems focusing at the computer, then you only need glasses specifically for computer work, which can’t be worn all day!