“Can a CT scan detect a bone infection?”
I am a 39 year old female. I want to know if a CT scan can detect a bone infection?
7 Answers
It depends on how long the infection has been there. MRI is more sensitive to pick early changes of bone infection. Even then it has to be correlated with clinical picture.
Yes. CT can show a bone infection. You may still need biopsy to confirm infection and identify a bug so therapy can be directed properly.
A bone infection is called osteomyelitis. A CT scan can definitely detect a bone infection if the infection is advanced. For example, having an infected foot ulcer that extends and touches the bone. Eventually the bone will get infected. Once infected, after some time, the bone will start changing, for example it will start eroding. We can see those changes on the CT scan. However, a much better scan to detect if the bone is infected before it starts eroding is to get an MRI. The MRI can see if the bone itself, specifically the bone marrow, has
changed and if it is suggestive of an infection.
changed and if it is suggestive of an infection.
It can be part of the process to diagnose Osteomyelitis. We have many types of imaging in such a work-up. X-ray, CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, and lab work.
Clay Hinrichs, MD
Clay Hinrichs, MD