Cardiologist Questions

Can a Heart CT scan detect clogged artery’s

My doctor wants to do a heart cath. I’d have to pay out of pocket and don’t have the money. I’ve had a heart CT done that came back fine. Doesn’t a heart ct detect artery blockage as well?

Female | 53 years old

2 Answers

It depends on which type of scan/protocol was done. Some "heart scans" can pick up plaque, others only calcium in the arteries. You should discuss this further with your cardiologist, especially if this is an out of pocket expense for you.
If you had a CT angiogram then it can detect significant obstructions in the larger epicardial coronary arteries, the ones on the outside of the heart.
Depending on the technology of the CT machine and the expertise of the operators, it is quite good at detecting clinically significant coronary artery disease. I would have to know a lot more about your case in order to know why your doctor ordered a CTA in the first place and why they recommended that you have a coronary angiogram after a normal CTA. You need to ask your doctor a lot of detailed questions and I would suggest you have a family member or friend go with you when you see them.