Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

Can accessing your rectal cavity cause anorogasmia?

3 years ago I was trying to give myself a prostate massage. I lost feeling in my penis. I had some type of tissue come out of my rectum when taking a shower shaped like a white lumpy caterpillar. Since then I haven't been able to feel any type of sexual pleasure in my penis. My testosterone level was at 540 the last time I checked so it's a little low. Is this reversible and what caused it?

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: None
Conditions: Anorogasmia

4 Answers

You may have filariasis which is intestinal worms. There is no reason that a rectal exam should cause numbness of the penis or ED otherwise I would be doing this to men all day long. I suggest that you see a GI specialist to evaluate the intestines and are you a cyclist? This can cause penile numbness due to pressure on the nerve to the penis. It is usually nerve damage to the pudendal nerve. Sent from my iPhone Dr. Niko Lailas, Director, Center for Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Reston Hospital Center<> Like us on Facebook<> Follow @LMGdocs on Twitter<> Follow us on Google+<> Follow us on YouTube<> Join us on Linked In<>
Testosterone of 540 isn't actually low and even if low > is not responsible for penile sensation. I'm not sure what has happened here. Have you lost penile sensation? Lost the ability to get an erection? Or just don't feel aroused to orgasm? Either way, this should be evaluated formally is my recommendation.
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Unfortunately, your story doesn’t really make medical sense. I recommend that you see your primary care provider very soon or consult with a local urologist.
Nancy Denis is no longer with Advanced Urology Institute. Messages are being routed appropriately.