“Can acupuncture cure nasal polyps?”
I have nasal polyps and don't know how to heal them. Can acupuncture cure nasal polyps?
15 Answers
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help resolve any unbalance in the body that might be the cause of those nasal polyps.
Lejla Fazlicic
Not likely.
Good luck
Good luck
Nasal polyp is a disease of conventional medicine, and the diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the combination of observation, hearing, interrogation, and palpation. It is mainly based on the patient's chief complaint, TCM syndrome performance, tongue and pulse comprehensive information to get the diagnosis and corresponding TCM treatment plan.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
I can't say I have any experience with that. Find a fully trained professional in Chinese medicine, possessing a master's degree AND 5+ years experience in this field. MDs, DOs, Chiropractors, and even Physical Therapists (dry needling) are able to do what looks like acupuncture (but isn't) with a couple weekends of training or less. I would NOT let any of these inadequately trained people NEAR ME. :-) Buyer Beware!
Call the practitioner near you and ask if they can treat your polyps. Everyone has a different specialty.
In a medical context 'cure' is a tricky word. No treatment can claim to 'cure' anything unless the FDA says it can. Since the FDA doesn't really evaluate acupuncture, we can't claim to 'cure' anything.
Let's re-phrase - can acupuncture help improve nasal polyps or help to resolve any symptoms you may be experiencing due to nasal polyps? Hard to say, since you didn't specify any symptoms. Acupuncture has an excellent track record in the treatment of sinus congestion, runny nose, headache/sinus pressure, post nasal drip.
Specific to the polyps themselves, I'm not aware of any published literature showing acupuncture being effective in their treatment. Chinese herbal medicine, though, is another story. There are a couple studies showing the combination of acupuncture and herbs were effective in nasal polyp cases.
If this is something you'd like to try, I'd strongly suggest going to NCCAOM.org and using their 'Find a Practitioner' lookup to get a list of local, board certified practitioners. Since we're talking about potentially using Chinese herbal medicine, a PT or a chiropractor will NOT do.
Let's re-phrase - can acupuncture help improve nasal polyps or help to resolve any symptoms you may be experiencing due to nasal polyps? Hard to say, since you didn't specify any symptoms. Acupuncture has an excellent track record in the treatment of sinus congestion, runny nose, headache/sinus pressure, post nasal drip.
Specific to the polyps themselves, I'm not aware of any published literature showing acupuncture being effective in their treatment. Chinese herbal medicine, though, is another story. There are a couple studies showing the combination of acupuncture and herbs were effective in nasal polyp cases.
If this is something you'd like to try, I'd strongly suggest going to NCCAOM.org and using their 'Find a Practitioner' lookup to get a list of local, board certified practitioners. Since we're talking about potentially using Chinese herbal medicine, a PT or a chiropractor will NOT do.