“Can acupuncture help blood clots in the legs?”
I have blood clots in my legs. Can acupuncture help blood clots in the legs?
10 Answers
Acupuncture and herbs with sometimes massage can help you relieve or get rid of your blood clots in your legs gradually.
I don't know of any scientific evidence that acupuncture helps to resolve blood clots. Small ones may resolve by themselves.
That's something I wouldn't use acupuncture for. You should probably get onto a blood thinner ASAP so the clots don't travel to your heart or lungs, which can cause a stroke death.
Lejla Fazlicic
For blood clots, it's best to avoid and postpone acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture tends to improve circulation and that potentially can “move” a blood clot. Get treatment from the specialist.
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