Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can acupuncture help varicose veins in legs?

I have varicose veins in my legs. Can acupuncture help varicose veins in legs?

19 Answers

It can be helpful for spider veins but I have not had success with varicose veins.
yes, help circulation and metabolism
Acupuncture is very good for varicose veins! I have successfully treated varicose veins in terms of reducing their visibility and strengthening their cellular walls as well as reducing any pain they can cause. I treated my mother-in-law for her painful varicose veins and it has been
years since I have heard her complain about them. Please check with your primary to make sure it's only a varicose veins issue instead of something more serious like diabetes related or staph. infection.
Yes, acupuncture can assist with varicose veins. Chinese herbs can also help (provided they don’t interact with your medications). Remember that these are natural therapies so results might be slower to appear. Please note, some acupuncture clinics require a referral from a PCP before treatment.

Justin K. Joe, L.Ac. (AC02063)
Acorus Integrative Medicine
Can relieve pain.
Good afternoon,

1. Received, thank you.
2. Acupuncture does help most of the varicose vein condition. Varicose veins have 5 differentiations, it will help 3 of the diagnosis.
3. You should contact your acupuncturist, request a consultation and examination for further information.
4. If you shall have any questions, please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.

Acupuncture with therapeutic massage and herbs helps move Qi blood which might help varicose veins. I recommend a couple of sessions to see.
Yes with herb
The answer is Yes and No, in traditional acupuncture treatment there is a technique called "bloodletting therapy" it is very useful of treating varicose veins in the legs, but this treatment has been forbidden by the government. therefore, you might need to check with other states or countries for this type of treatment.
Varicose Veins is a combination of nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle. An acupuncturist who has studied this can help you as could a Naturopath. Just be sure this is what they have researched as it is not taught in school. The Western medicine method of injecting saline is only temporary. There are Red light treatments that work better (again, find someone who is trained in this area). For very large protruding veins, like in the lower extremities, are very difficult to treat and take time.
Acupuncture is excellent for varicose veins because it can enhance healthy blood circulation. However, there are multiple triggers for varicose veins. Losing weight, increasing gentle stretching, herbs, infrared heat and adding in some gentle blood thinners like fish oil will also help. Dr. Miura
Yes indeed. However, it is only some acupuncturists know how to treat them.
Acupuncture can help with the underlying cause of varicose veins.
The more frequent the treatments, the more likely you will get results but it will take time with varicose veins.
I'm not sure. In theory, it should prevent them worsening along with some herbal therapies. Most importantly, since you are thinking about doing acupuncture, do find a qualified and real acupuncturist! Anything less would be you not really trying this system of healing. Find a fully trained professional in Chinese medicine, possessing a master's degree AND 5+ years experience in this field. Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and even Physical Therapists (dry needling) are able to do what looks like acupuncture (but isn't) with a couple weekends of training or less. I would NOT let any of these inadequately trained people NEAR ME. :-)
There is a painless bleeding process that can do wonders for spider veins, but it would depend on how big your veins are. Check with your local acupuncturist.
Yes, acupuncture can help varicose veins in legs, very effective.
Sometimes, yes, acupuncture can help varicose veins in the legs. Acupuncture can definitely help with any pain you may be experiencing due to varicose veins.

More often, practitioners of Chinese medicine will utilize bleeding techniques to deal with varicose veins. It's complicated to explain why this works, but it often has a very beneficial effect on both the veins and any associated pain. Please note, the varicose veins themselves should NOT be bled; we're bleeding other superficial veins to reduce pressure on the venous system.